In uncovering the possible answers to many of these questions, I'll need to find some good sources. Through preliminary research I've managed to find a few good leads. The Art Bulletin is a publication on many aspects of art history, and in volume 57 Juergen Schulz writes an article called Michelangelo's Unfinished Works. In volume 65 Edith Balas also writes Michelangelo's Florentine Slaves and the S. Lorenzo Façade, which goes over the history and context under which the slaves were found and the account of their purpose and commission. In volume 19, Erwin Panofsky writes about the original project of Pope Julius II's tomb, including many spiritual purposes of the sculptures.
An article titled Michelangelo's Slaves and the Gift of Liberty from Renaissance Quarterly provides a history and account of the project commissioned by Pope Julius II, and how the sculptures' purpose changed to more political. It also partially explains how the sculptures were passed on and whose possession they came to be in instead of as a part of the tomb.
Creighton E. Gilbert has written an article called What is Expressed in Michelangelo's Non-Finito, which goes over how these were viewed and valued around the time of Michelangelo's death, and how other similar unfinished works were viewed at the time also. There is a comparison of Michelangelo with other artists such as Donatello and Benedetto de Maiano. The article is found in Artibus et Historiae.
Other sources available
could help me in uncovering the answers by providing insight into the context of renaissance artists and how patrons valued artwork.
Balas, Edith. (1983). Michelangelo's Florentine Slaves and the S. Lorenzo Façade. The Art Bulletin, 65(4), pp. 665-671.
Carabell, P. (1997). Image and Identity in the Unfinished Works of Michelangelo. RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, No. 32, pp. 83-105.
De Tolnay, C. (1954). The Tomb Of Julius II. His Michelangelo. Vol. 4, p. 163-166.
Gilbert, C. E. (2003). What is Expressed in Michelangelo's Non-Finito. Artibus et Historiae. 24(48), pp. 57-64.
Panofsky, Erwin. (1937). The First Two Projects of Michelangelo's Tomb of Julius II. The Art Bulletin. 19(4), pp. 561-579.
Ruvoldt, M. (2012). Michelangelo's Slaves and the Gift of Liberty. Renaissance Quarterly, 65(4), pp. 1029-1059.
Schulz, J. (1975). Michelangelo's Unfinished Works. The Art Bulletin, 57(3), pp. 366-373.
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